Sleepless in Seattle
Heading to BILTNA 2019
Its that time of year, again: John Pierson (@60secondRevit), Vanessa Pierson (@v_pierson) , Alison Beck-Maller, Adelyn Maller, and myself (@twiceroadsfool) are all in the midst of heading to Seattle, for the annual North American BILT (@BILTEvent) conference. Well, we WILL be in the midst of it. So far the only one actually “on the way” is the Booth gear.

John will be teaching Turn Dynamo up to 11 with Python, and participating in the Group Roundtable 4 Perspectives on the Changing Face of AECO and Beyond 2019. Im looking forward to checking out the handout for the Dynamo class, as John is the one who finally pushed me in to learning @DynamoBIM (which i now love), after a few folks at Inside The Factory starting prodding me in to it, a few years ago.
I wont be teaching this year, as the Maller’s thought we had a scheduling conflict, so we were not planning to be at #BILTNA this year. (Scheduling conflicts ended up cancelling my trip to #BILTANZ, and i ended up teaching my classes remotely, which was… not the same!

Since the schedule cleared, we figured we would set up a booth, since last year was so much fun!
Im going to use the time in the booth to update the PRLX CONTENT LIBRARIES. Ive held off on upgrading them to 2020, since i have a decent backlog of improvements to make. Ill work on them, and stream it on our channel (, internet bandwidth permitting.

The booth will obviously have all of the latest PRLX.APPS on display, that John has been whipping up. And there are some fantastic new additions, such as Colored Tabs for Revit 2019 and 2020… That also now auto sort, so tabs from the same files are grouped together!
They aren’t *all* available yet, but stop by, and let us know what you like, or what you would like to see. =)
And, since you’ll be in the Exhibit Hall, there are a few other Booth’s we would recommend you visit with, as they are products we either use, or are fans of (with no official affiliation at all, we just like their stuff).

In numerical Booth order:
Booth 7: Advance 2000. If you know me, you know i’m a BIG fan of Virtualization, and we use some virtualization methods, here at Prlx. Although we don’t currently use Advance 2000, i recommend checking them out if you are looking to leverage Virtualized GPU enabled Hardware, for BIM. Or, stop by our booth, and lets talk “general” virtualization and what it can mean for you.
Booth 16: HYPAR. If you haven’t talked to Ian, Anthony, or Matt about what they are making and working on, you should! Conversely, you can sign up at and “Build a Hypar” (using generative design in a cloud infrastructure).
Booth 26: IconicBIM. Makers of (preview image generator) and Guardian (which negates the need for my “Uncrapify” Toolset, which is an AWESOME thing! If you need to keep users in-line with Revit Standards, go talk to Parley.
Booth 39a: BIMTrack. A fantastic Issue Tracking platform that is now at the center of all of our Design Reconciliation work (Dickie’s Arena, the wild House’s we have been posting, and a Shopping Mall or two! ) It’s fast, nimble, requires no installations (it’s optional), and even our begrudging collaborating design teams love it.
Booth 42: BIMSmith. Great people, and Creators of a Marketplace for BIM Product Data (and sponsors of the fantastic Gala Dinner!). They also keep me in supply of fantastic Water Bottles, that my daughter tries (succeeds) to steal.
Booth 43: Autodesk. My memory is hazy, but i think they own some piece of software a lot of us may use… Whats it called again? (Bring them a drink. They are stuck next to me all week).
Booth 43a: Parallax Team. I will be here! Apps, Content Libraries, the newly freshened and updated Prlx Project Template, hopefully live streaming on Twitch, as well!
Booth 45: CTC Software. Makers of the Revit Express Tools Suites, which i use EVERY single day of my week. Go check them out, or (if you are at our booth) i more than likely will have the Family Processor, Batch Loader, Batch Exporter, SP Manager, or Schedule XL running.
Booth 47: ClearEdge 3D. If you want to talk about Validating what was modeled vs what was built, go see these folks. Then come back to my booth, because there is a whole other conversation you should have, about Design Reconciliation, and Right of Reliance, on the Design Teams Models. But Verity on top of a Construction Model? Hard Core!
Hope to see you there!
Whether in the hall, or in the classes, or in the bar, or swimming pool (i kid, i kid)… Have a great time if you will be at #BILTNA, and if not: You should be jealous.
-Aaron Maller